8 luglio - 29 ottobre 2017


The Arkad Foundation celebrated 15 years of activity by organizing an exhibition - Riflessi. Fifty-three international artists have participated in the realization of sculptures within the Artco Studio since its beginning.

The exhibition aimed to rejoice the relationship between artists and their collaborators. The exhibition’s title - RIFLESSI - recalls the mirroring of shared ideas and experiences.

The Arkad Foundation has presented works of art from artists living around the world such as China, France, Germany, Serbia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey and Hungary. All the participating artists have in some way been connected to Seravezza and to the Apuan Alps. The intent of the exhibition was to reconnect the artists with the area of Seravezza and to promote creative exchange.

Participating artists:

Vincent BEAUFILS HOURDIGAS, Raphael BEIL, Jacques BERTOUX, Andrea BIANCHI, Ramon BIANCHI, Dario BIGONZI, Polo BOURIEAU, Aurelien BOUSSIN, Silvano CATTAI, Christophe CHEVALLIER, Andrew CLAUSEN, Bahadir COLAK, Andy CORNFORD, Milija CPAJAK, Frederic DANNE, Hans DEN HARTOG, Umit Turgay DURGUN, Andrea EVANGELISTI, Edmond FAIN, Francesco GALEOTTI, Sylvestre GAUVRIT, Giuseppe GRECO-LUCIANI, Zoran GRINBERG, Laurent GUYOLOT, Didier HAGEGE, Michel HERZELE, Guillaume LAMY, Pascale LEGRIS, Hsiu-Ling LIAO, Christophe LOYER, Benoit MIGAIROU, Elias NAMAN, Georges ORSATELLI, Richard PAGE, Lucien PETIT, Alfredo PIOLI, POLSKA, Antonio REDONDO, Joel RICHARD, Martine SALAVIZE, Giovanni DA MONREALE, Jozsef SZOKE, Anne Claire VAN DEN ELSHOUT, Simone VERONA, Lorenzo VIGNOLI, Luis VILLAESCUSA GONZALEZ, Kuo Hsien WANG, Bing WEN, Steve WOODWARD, Aurora ZAMORANI, Veljko ZEJAK, Jiefu ZHOU, Guolong ZONG.

Created by:

FONDAZIONE ARKAD ETS Viale Leonetto Amadei 309 (ex Via del Palazzo 437) 55047 Seravezza LU
Codice Fiscale 91064160467 - Partita IVA: 02723200461
Tel. +39 0584 75 70 34 info@artco.itcynthia@artco.itnicolas@artco.itinfo@arkad.it
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