Fifth edition:
April 21 – June 3, 2007
Arkad Foundation Gallery, Seravezza (LU)

The theme of Enoliarte 2007 was "Eros and Food" .
Drawing inspiration from the fact that olive oil seems to possess aphrodisiacal powers, over sixty international artists created works that addressed the universe of Eros by making direct or allusive use of Food.

By means of painting, sculpture, installations, and photography, the artists explored every possible association between Eros and Food, interpreting all the most humorous and seductive, sensorial and perceptive, creative and transgressive aspects they could think of.

This edition's novelty was the organization of a lottery that awarded the works most appreciated by the public to lucky winners.

Collateral events
Sunday, April 22, Jazz  concert.
Saturday, June 2:
- "El destino de la carne" performance by Benjo Bianchi, Felix Arneodo, Fernando Ferri.
- "Sweet, Salty, Spicy" performance by Emanuela Lazzerini and Silvia Poggianti.
- "Fossus - azione spossante di ostificazione" performance by Daniele Poletti   with the participation of Cristiana Badiali, Simone Bazzichi, Claudia Marchetti, Luca Niccolai, Daniele Poletti.

Sponsored by: the Region of Tuscany, the Province of Lucca, the Municipality of Seravezza, Idealparty.
Participating artists: Angela Alberti (Italy), Gloria Alcaide (Italy), Federico Aliberti (Italy), Ana Maria Alonso (Spain), Giovanna Ambrogi (Italy), Neal Barab (USA), Stefano Baroni (Italy), Robin Bell (Canada), Eva Berglund (Sweden), Sylvette Berner Pettorelli (France), Quentin Bertoux (France), Elena Bianchini (Italy), Claudio Bimbi (Italy), Isa Bourland (France), Stefania Brandinelli (Italy), Angelo Caleo (Italy), Emanuela Camacci (Italy), Valente Cancogni (Italy), Florian Caraby (France), Andrew Clausen (USA), Cobàs (Italy), Elisabetta Cori (Italy), Elisa Corsini (Italy), Cristiana Cravanzola (Italy), Paola Daniolo (Italy), Grazia Maria Darco (Italy), Nicola Domenici (Italy), Nicole Dumas (France), Patrizia Fantoni (Italy), Veronica Fonzo (Argentina), Leslie Harnett (USA), Chao-Mi Ko (Taiwan), Giulio Lazzotti (Italy), Sylvia Loew (Brazil), Antonella Lombardi (Italy), Francesco Martera (Italy), Sergio Mazzanti (Italy), Monica Michelotti (Italy), Annalia Migliacci (Italy), Giorgia OLM (Italy), Michele Pardini (Italy), Vieri Parenti (Italy), Antonella Piro (Italy), Polska (France), Giliola Presice (Italy), Valentina Restivo (Italy), Marco Rivaroli (Italy), Lisa Roggli (Switzerland), Nora Roitberg (Argentina), Jorge Romeo (Argentina), Cinzia Rossi Ghion (Italy), Andrea Rovatti (Italy), Cynthia Sah (China), Martine Salavise (France), Giovanni Sardisco (Italy), Daniel Serna (Mexico), Silvina Spravkin (Argentina), Gianfranco Stacchi (Italy), Maja Thommen (Switzerland), Lotte Thuenker (Germany), Lelia Verona (Italy), Andrew Wielawski (USA), Antonia Zaza (Italy)

Created by:

FONDAZIONE ARKAD ETS Viale Leonetto Amadei 309 (ex Via del Palazzo 437) 55047 Seravezza LU
Codice Fiscale 91064160467 - Partita IVA: 02723200461
Tel. +39 0584 75 70 34
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