First edition:
April 23 – May 30, 2003
Arkad Foundation Gallery, Seravezza (LU)

Enoliarte 2003 was the first edition of the event and featured the participation of fourteen Italian and international artists with installations on the themes of oil, wine, bread, and salami.

Furnishing Every room in the Gallery was dedicated to a food product and connected to the other s by a long line of demijohns positioned along the lights on the floor. In particular:

First room
The first room evoked oil, and was filled with olives, harvest nets, and popular sayings on the subject reinterpreted by Rie Boberg, the tools arranged in mandala form by Giorgia OLM, and the curtains of leaves created by Giovanna Ambrogi.

Second room
The second room was dedicated to wine, with Nicolas Bertoux's "barometer" and "tubing" that filled the slabs of drilled marble, Silvano Cattai's curtains made from corks and composition with empty bottles, and installations by Giorgia OLM and Lelia Verona.

Third room
The third room interpreted bread with Franco Martera's “Bread Road" and  Robin Bell's "Pyramid of Bread".

Fourth room
The fourth room evoked salami with Nicolas Bertoux's installation of suspended cold cuts and Vincenzo Lucente’s paintings.

Fifth room
The fifth room hosted Nicolas Bertoux's suspended demijohns and tanks of floating glasses, Johannes Pfeiffer's secret olive garden, and sculpture by Christine Madies, Elisa Corsini and Zoé Whittier

The exhibition was set up with precious help from friends Roberto Palma, Massimo Francioni, Daria Marlia, Elena Bianchini and Francesco Leonardi.

Collateral events
The event was also enhanced by the presentation of the book "Di un bianco violato" with photographs by Dino De Ranieri and texts by Francesca Ciuffi .

The exhibition was greeted by the public with enthusiasm and lively interest, and visited by 5,000 people in 3 days.

Sponsored by: the Province of Lucca, the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca, the Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Foundation, the Apuan Alps Park, the Upper Versilia Mountain Community Association, the Bcc Banca della Versilia e della Lunigiana, Ideal Congress, the Versilia Ais delegation, and the municipality of Seravezza-Tourism and Productive Activity Office

Participating artists: Douglas Holtquist, Giorgia OLM, Robin Bell, Giovanna Ambrogi, Franco Martera, Johannes Pfeiffer, Silvano Cattai, Lelia Verona, Rie Boberg, Christine Madies, Vincenzo Lucente, Nicolas Bertoux, Zoé Whittier, Elisa Corsini, Christine Madies

Created by:

FONDAZIONE ARKAD ETS Viale Leonetto Amadei 309 (ex Via del Palazzo 437) 55047 Seravezza LU
Codice Fiscale 91064160467 - Partita IVA: 02723200461
Tel. +39 0584 75 70 34
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